We followed the winding path of the Juniata River deep into scenic Huntingdon County to pay a visit to the Kiwanis club of Mount Union, PA on March 24. We always enjoy the opportunity to meet and share our experiences with groups dedicated to serving their communities. This meeting was very special for us, because it marks the launch of our annual Scholarships for Service season. Over the next few weeks we will be working with high schools in the Central PA area to identify candidates for this year's awards.
After being warmly greeted by the club's President, Mary Trice, we chatted about the Mount Union area with club members. Like many areas in Pennsylvania, Mount Union has seen its industrial base wane over the past half century, but it remains an attractive business and residential community. The area is surrounded by natural beauty and possesses a rich historical legacy. Nearby is the site of Fort Shirley, one in the chain of the many frontier-era forts that stretch across Pennsylvania.
Steve offered some remarks to the group about our work with The Bisbee Project, and our commitment to building stronger ties with other groups dedicated to service. An important task these groups accomplish is to set a good example for the young people in their community, setting the stage for the next generation. Dan followed up with some remarks about his time in Baghdad during the "surge" and how small-town values have an enormous impact on the implementation of foreign policy. When units, such as those from the Pennsylvania National Guard, deploy overseas the soldiers and officers from those units become the face of US foreign policy. The experiences, values, and knowledge they bring with them directly effect how they perform their missions. Mount Union currently has a number of its sons and daughters deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. They carry with them the values instilled in them by their community. A commitment to making our communities strong has consequences far beyond the town limits of a place like Mount Union, PA.
We enjoyed the opportunity to visit Mount Union, and we thank Mary and the rest of the Kiwanis club for their hospitality. See you again soon!