I just received some extraordinarily good news from, of all places, Toledo, Ohio. That's where Hussein and his family are going to be starting their new life in America. Hussein, a.k.a. "Johnny", worked with US forces in Baghdad since their arrival in 2003. He was my first interpreter in Baghdad when I was there with the Army from 2005-06 and then I got him re-hired to the PRT when I returned in 2007. Here, we are pictured in the lobby of the Palestine Hotel in downtown Baghdad, during a mission in early 2006. Working together in such an environment it is impossible to separate the professional from the personal in the relationships you build; on both counts, it is impossible for me to measure the full extent of Hussein's influence on my experiences in Iraq. Finally working his way through the incredibly challenging visa and immigration process, Hussein arrived in Toledo a few weeks ago with his wife and young son. Having already experienced a lifetime in his short number of years, "Johnny" is hopeful about the opportunity to get a new start with his new life.